our projects
Karratha Subdivision Project
RFF has led design, feasibility and approvals for the progression of one of the last remaining privately held residential subdivision opportunities in Karratha. The project, approved and capable of development is able to bring land to market in a timely manner as housing accommodation pressure peak in the Karratha community.
Newman Renal Dialysis Respite Service Business Model
Client: Aboirginal Medical Services
RFF was appointed to undertake a feasibility assessment of the viability of establishing a renal respite service for support Puntukunrnu Aboriginal Medical Services (PAMS) existing nurse assisted renal service in the Newman community.
Port Hedland and Newman Data Centres
Client: NextDC
Next DC is developing data centres in the Pilbara which will transform communications for the region. RFF has coordinated land acquisition and town planning approvals to enable both projects to proceed.
Client: Mirning Traditional Lands Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
The Western Green Energy Hub is one of Australia’s largest planned renewable hydrogen and ammonia development projects. It is located on Mirning Country on the border of Western Australia and South Australia. RFF is providing commercial and town planning advice to the Mirning People as part of their native title negotiations with the proponent.
Karratha Greenfields Industrial Development
Client: Green Grid Energy
RFF is supporting development of one of the few privately owned large scale industrial development initiatives in the Pilbara. Located in close proximity to the Karratha Airport and Gap Ridge Industrial Estate, RFF is support scheme amendments, subdivision and development approvals to unlock new, much needed land supply for major industrial and renewable projects.
Logistics, Transport and Industrial Approvals Projects
Clients: Yurra, Campbell Transport, Finmec and Derby Stock Supplies
RFF represents numerous important logistics and industrial businesses across the north-west such as Yurra Group, Campbell Transport, Finmec and Derby Stock Supplies. We represent their interests in enabling business to proceed and meet the demands of the region whilst effectively managing town planning approvals and compliance risks with their operations
Stayover Temporary Camp Due Diligence
Client: Ausco Modular Pty Ltd
Ausco is the operator of the Kingfisher Village in the City of Karratha. A significant increase of investment in the energy and resources sector is driving demand for high quality, well located workforce accommodation. RFF undertook an assessment of the opportunities to enable a rapid expansion of the existing village to meet forecast demand and a pathway to secure timely approvals.
Newman Childcare Strategy
Client: Newman Neighbourhood Centre
RFF were engaged to undertake feasibility investigations for the provision of the outside of school hours care activities in Newman. The investigations included regulatory requirements, demand, site options, capital start-up costs and operational costing.
Searipple Caravan Park Feasibility
Client: City of Karratha
RFF was engaged to review the previous work and assess the overall likelihood that the project will proceed, from a finance, approvals, utilities and tenure point of view. The overarching review identified that immediate demand was unlikely and that there should be a focus on site preparation, including upgrades to utilities and resolution of land tenure..
Cook Point Caravan Park Refurbishment
Client: Town of Port Hedland
The Cooke Point Caravan Park is a high-quality tourism asset, located on the Port Hedland foreshore. Recent changes in the expectations of self-sufficient caravaners, which includes the expectation for ensuited caravan bays and improved communal cooking and barbeque areas. These were identified as necessary improvements to enhance the viability of the park.
RFF undertook a detailed analysis of the park, alongside the former leaseholders. Aspen developed a detailed improvement plan and anticipated a return on investment, including a local economic impact assessment, through increased visitation to Port Hedland on the shoulder seasons.
The project received $950,000 in funding from the State Government of WA.
Group Dwelling Approvals
Client: GBSC Yurra
GBSC Yurra and the City of Karratha collaborated to develop nine dwellings across three properties in Nickol. RFF were engaged to secure development approval for the nine dwellings which consisted of a two, two-grouped dwelling developments and one 5-group dwelling development.
Gap Ridge Warehouse Project
Client: Australian Temporary Structures
ATS secured a contract to design and construct a new major storage warehouse for Chevron in the Gap Ridge Industrial Estate. The warehouse, exceeding 4,000m2 in area as was planned to be built on an existing premises in Gap Ridge.
The project had a clearly defined time-frame placing significant pressure on approvals time-frames. We were able to successfully secure approval in the required times with limited conditions being imposed on the project include no additional car parking despite the significant additional development footprint.
The Stables Port Hedland Master Planning
Client: Landcorp
RFF was appointed, through a competitive tender, to coordinate the master-planning and scheme amendment process. The site included numerous approvals and development issues including aboriginal heritage, storm surge and coastal inundation and pre-existing community uses within the development area.
Brookdale Contractors Access
Client: The Buckley Family Trust
RFF was appointed to assist in overall approvals for logistics operations from the site which including formalising legal rights of access using the existing driveway and crossover from the Highway.
Town of Port Hedland Growth Readiness
Client: Town of Port Hedland
RFF were engaged to evaluate the capacity for the Town of Port Hedland to accommodate future population and business growth associated with a new investment cycle in the Pilbara Region.
Camping with Custodians- Peedamulla
Client: Tourism WA
RFF led preparation of the early design and business case for financial support from Tourism WA. We subsequently assisted Tourism WA manage procurement of contractors and completion of the campground.
The WEB Coworking and Innovation Centre
Client: Port Hedland Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Following successful implementation of the funding strategy, RFF was retained to manage detailed design and project management of the construction project.
The project successfully secured $2 million from the State of Western Australia and $2 million from BHP.
Youth Involvement Council HQ
Client: Yourth Involvement Council, BHP, Lottery West, Pilbara Development Commission
RFF was responsible for project feasibility, project definition, planning, business case and funding, detailed design, contractor procurement, construction management (superintendent), and defects liability of the entire project.
Bargumarringunha Yinha (Palm Pool) Eco Resort
Client: Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
RFF have acted as lead consultant and development manager to progress the Bargumarringunha Yinha (Millstream Palm Pool) Eco Resort planned for 2025 located within the Millstream-Chichester National Park on behalf of the Yindjibarndi nation.
We have successfully supported lease negotiations, secured funding for the development of a business case and feasibility analysis. The business case is nearing completion which will be used to secure finance and development partners with a targeted opening of the first stage in 2025.
Yurra Project Maintenance Planning & Management
Client: Yurra PTY LTD
Our team was asked to merge with the Yurra Contracting team, to help establish ongoing maintenance, planning and workforce management practices for Yurra - in association with its IFMS contract for Sodexo and Rio Tinto. The project included the regular planning and management of over 400 properties in Dampier, Karratha and Wickham. Our team also provided on-ground site supervision and management services for major landscaping and construction projects
Kimberley Ocean Expansion Project
Client: Tassal
RFF has been appointed to support Tassal in navigating approvals, local community and stakeholder engagement and native title agreement making process to facilitate potential expansion of the recently acquired Cone Bay Barramundi Project in the Kimberley region, Western Australia.
Port Hedland Hotel and Motel
RFF has continued to provided support over 5-years to navigate complex approvals arrangement to enable the progressive development and enhancement of one of Port Hedland’s premier hotel operations. This has enabled progress for development of a 800+ room facility and supporting amenities.
Readiness Reports
Client: Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation, Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation, Yindjibarndi Ngurra Aboriginal Corporation, Wirrawandi Aboriginal Corporation, Buurabalayji Thalanyji Aboriginal Corporation
RFF assisted numerous Prescribed Body Corporates (PBC’s) and Registered Native Title Body Corporates (RNTBC’s) in securing grant funding to evaluate their capacity and capability to deliver growing demand for aboriginal cultural heritage services. RFF has subsequently providing external support to the groups to evaluate forecast demand and capability and develop key actions to strengthen organisational capacity accordingly.
Client: Mobile Concrete Solutions
RFF is assisting MCS with proposed plans to expand their Tom Price quarry by leading negotiations with the relevant Native Title party with a focus on reaching agreement for the project to proceed.
PCLMP Carbon Initiative
Client: Impact Seed
RFF has supported a land access and carbon sequestration initiative across twelve Native Title determination areas in the Pilbara to identify opportunities for new projects to be developed in the region. Carbon opportunities are intended to create new income streams for aboriginal ranger programs across the Pilbara.
Lot 555 Derby Highway- Access Arrangements
Client: Emama Nguda Aboriginal Corporation
Emama Nguda Aboriginal Corporation is pursuing an innovate economic development project to create one of Australia’s first commercial Cherabun aquaculture operations out of Derby. RFF has provided due diligence, land access, development management and town planning services to support the projects progression.
Crown Carbon
Client: Brendan Grylls Group
The Western Australian State Government has previously announced a desire to improve carbon sequestration outcomes across the conservation and crown land estates. RFF was responsible for defining land access opportunities and limitations for new carbon initiatives and supporting due diligence into the development of new management techniques that may be capable of approval via the carbon regulator.
Heritage, Community and Stakeholder Relations
Client: Azure Minerals
Azure Minerals Andover Lithium deposit is a globally significant source of minerals to support the energy transition. Located proximate to the Roebourne community, RFF is providing holistic advisory and engagement support with the local community, traditional owners and government agencies throughout the exploration and project development process. This includes supporting targeted local stakeholder engagement, cultural heritage surveys and management, land access advice, native title negotiations, town planning considerations, non-process infrastructure site assessments.
Hedland CHild Care infrastructure plan
Client: The Hedland Collective
RFF were engaged to evaluate and confirm infrastructure requirements for the provision of child care within the Town of Port Hedland Local Government Area. Initial investigations, undertaken by the Town of Port Hedland inferred a potential shortfall of placements of 300 or more; with a major shortfall in the 0- 2 age group specifically. RFF undertook investigations into current and projected demand, site investigations, and operator and market finance options.
Broome Town Beach Feasibility
Client: Shire of Broome
RFF were engaged to undertake a Feasibility Report into the redevelopment / reactivation of the Town Beach Café in Broome. This included understanding market demand, identifying potential project risks and operational considerations.
Gumula Mortgage Fundt
Client: Gumula Aboriginal Corporation
RFF is part of the team which is planning to establish Australia’s first 100% owned and operated Aboriginal Mortgage Fund, the Gumala Mortgage Fund. The GMF is the beginning of a new direction of empowerment and self-determination whereby Aboriginal people have the capability to develop and offer financial products which cater for Aboriginal people based on their unique cultural and socio-economic conditions. RFF’s role included the initial submission in the North West Aboriginal Housing Fund, business case development and advisory.
KaRlka land tenure investigations
Client: Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation
RFF was engaged to undertake a desktop review and analysis of land tenure opportunities within its Determination Area. The analysis identifies opportunities and methods for KNAC to pursue possible acquisition of landholdings directly accessible from the Crown or existing holders.
Client: Pilbara Development Commission
The Pilbara’s Regional Investment Blueprint identified tourism as a key opportunity to drive diversification of the region’s economy. Led by the Pilbara Development Commission, RFF was appointed to identify the key infrastructure gaps, which were impacting on more rapid development of the tourism industry.
Service Station approvals
Client: United Petroleum
RFF were engaged to secure development approval with the Shire of Broome for the construction of a new service station in Roebuck. The development included fuelling for cars and trucks, a retail outlet, truck resting area and casual seating.
Ammonium Nitrate emulsion Production Facility upgrade
Client: Dyno Nobel
RFF secured development approval for Dyno Nobel who were looking to undertaken further improvements at their Ammonium Nitrate Emulsion Production Facility in Port Hedland. Due to the type of facility and town planning legislation subcontractors involved in the project included Linfire Bushfire Consultant and Milestone Building Surveyors
Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Fund- Pippingarra Road Intersection Upgrade
Client: Town of Port Hedland
The Town of Port Hedland and the mining sector identified an opportunity to significantly increase safety and productivity of the developing lithium industry in the Pilbara, by upgrading the intersection of Pippingarra Road with Great Northern Highway.
The project successfully obtained $2.3 million through the Federal Government Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Fund.
Jager Street Industry Rezoning
Client: SMC Building and Development
We were engaged to secure a Scheme Amendment to rezone a 15-ha site nearby the Roebourne Light Industrial Area from ‘Rural’ to ‘Industry’. This would enable Noxious, Transport and General Industry subdivision and development.
The site was surrounded by land zoned residential and light industry and that the premises did not have any legal road frontage; or access to existing services, we were able to secure support from the City of Karratha and approval from the WAPC and Minister to rezone the land.
Client: Pilbara Development Commission
RFF Australia is working with the Pilbara Cultural Land Management Project (PCLMP) team to support Traditional Owners to define a clear vision of how they wish to use and manage country into the future. The Cultural and Economic Land Use Assessments are a fundamental tool in the delivery of land management planning that supports strong cultural, environmental, and economic futures for the participating PCLMP groups. RFF Australia will support PCLMP groups to identify and implement pathways to improves access to country, whilst supporting groups to pursue new land tenure to support Aboriginal economic development.
Bypass St Office Refurbishment
Client: Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation
RFF was engaged by Karlka to oversee the refurbishment of their office facility in South Hedland. This required a renovation of 400 square metres of commercial office space to provide Karlka with the space, separation and circulation required for their organisation to run efficiently and in comfort
Camping with Custodians- Lombadina
Client: Tourism WA
RFF have led the preparation and early design and business case for financial support from Tourism WA. We have subsequently been appointed Project Manager / Building Superintendent to progress the project through the approvals, land assembly, and construction stages.
Karlka Nyiyaparli residential asset management planning
Client: Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation
RFF were engaged to project manage and develop and management program for five residential houses, four in Port/South Hedland and one in Newman. The houses were of various ages and states of repair and RFF established a clear asset management, replacement and preventative maintenance schedule to cover the next 5 – 10 years to enable them to forecast capital requirements associated with maintaining these properties to an appropriate standard.
Kimberley Mineral Sands Depot
Client": Thunderbird Operations Pty Ltd
RFF was appointed by Kimberley Mineral Sands to completed comprehensive approvals and commercial due diligence of potential depot sites within the Broome townsite required to support logistics associated with their Thunderbird Mineral Sands project.
Port Hedland Solar Project
RFF has been appointed to progress all required town planning and development approvals for a 40Mw+ solar project close to the Port and South Hedland communities.
Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area Water Supply Solution
RFF is assisting in progressing land access and assembly for alternative water supply solutions to the Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area (SIA). These solutions are integral to unlocking the green steel and hydrogen projects planned for the Boodarie (SIA).
Client: Pilbara Cultural Land Management Cooperative
Following the completion of Economic and Land Use evaluations for Traditional Owner Groups participating in the Pilbara Cultural Land Management Plan, RFF continues to provide land access and assembly support to groups who have made decisions to pursue economic development or enhance land access outcomes across their country.
Kambalda Nickel Project
Client: Marlinyu Ghoorlie Native Title Applicant
RFF has been appointed to provide commercial advice to the Marlinyu-Ghoorlie Native Title Claim Group with respect to planned expansion and improvement of the Nickel West Refinery in Kambalda.
Client: Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation
Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation represents the Esperance Noongyar people with respect to the Native Title Determination spanning some 25,000km2. A substantial portion of their native title rights and interests have been extinguished including many which may be compensable acts pursuant to the Native Title Act 1997. RFF is assisting the corporation in commercial evaluations of the potential value of compensation.
Various Advisory
Client: Buurabalayji Thalanyji Aboriginal Corporation
RFF continues to provide strategic advice to the BTAC on a broad range of matters for the benefit of its members. This includes commercial property and town planning advice on land assets, leading native title negotiations with commercial proponents, managing future acts commenced via the Native Title Act, and provide advice with respect to the provision of adequate consultation regarding offshore oil and gas projects
Hybrid Solar Eclipise visitor capacity report
Client: Tourism WA
RFF were engaged to analyse and report on the visitor demand potential as an outcome of the Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Exmouth in 2023 which only occurs every 10 or so years. RFF prepared a business case which outlined locations and capacity for increased visitation during the phenomenon.
State Aviation Strategy Submission
Client: Town of Port Hedland
The Department of Transport undertook community and stakeholder consultation to collect more detailed data on unregulated air routes, and independent surveys will also be conducted on each Regular Public Transport air route to collect data and information to better understand the challenges and assess the prevailing market dynamics associated with regional airfares. RFF were engaged by the Town of Port Hedland to submit a response for the draft State Aviation Strategy.
Yindjibarndi Transitional housing project
Client: Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
RFF have been engaged from the inception of the project from the initial successful submission in the North West Aboriginal Housing Fund, business case development, project management, planning approvals and concept design. The project is for the construction of 10 transitional housing units (supported by wrap-around service delivery coordination) to enable apprentices and low-income trade employment positions (including people re-entering the population from Roebourne Regional Prison) access to suitable, stable, affordable, long-term and safe accommodation; and a pathway to private home-ownership.
Culture, community and Commerial
Client: Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
RFF is part of a broader consultant support group established to progress the interests of the Yindjibarndi Nation through the associated and related entities the Yindjibarndi Nation established.
Client: Cockatoo Is
Cockatoo Island NK5 Group Pty Ltd acquired the Crown Lease to Alan Bond’s former Cockatoo Island Resort in the Buccaneer Archipelago. With plans to recommence operations as a resort, securing legal access to the Island’s airstrip was critical to its success.
Karratha container exchange terminal
Client: North West Recycling
RFF supported North-West Recycling to rapidly obtain planning approval for a new container exchange centre in Karratha. In addition to enabling development to proceed ahead of lot creation, RFF then managed the subdivision approval process, securing approval through the State Administrative Tribunal for the lot to be created without service connections. This has enabled NW Recycling to be self-sufficient and highly sustainable, generating their own power, dealing with waste on-site and heavily reduced their water use. NW Recycling is now multi-award winning business, leading the Containers for Change journey in Western Australia. .
beadon creek scheme admendment
Client: Greater Ashburton Services Pty LTD
This RFF were engaged to secure a scheme amendment to rezone the site from ‘Tourism’ to ‘Industrial’.
The landowners of the site have experienced increased interest in use of the site for a variety of land uses, all of which are commercial and light industrial focused. The amendment increases the flexibility in land use options which are commercial/ industrial in nature consistent with the market interest. roject involved the management of a major refurbishment of the IBN Corporations Office Building in South Hedland. The project involved internal redesign of the building layout, detailed FFE installation and external façade improvements.
Indian Ocean Suites- Port Hedland
Client: Mindaroo Group
RFF secured a revised development approval lifting the yield of the development by 13-additional units from 59 to 72 apartments. The additional yield required major variations to the approved Detailed Area Plan for the site including height limitations and lighting associated with a nearby Turtle Rookery.
Old Broome Lockup Activation
Client: Old Broome Lockup Pty Ltd
The Old Broome Lock-Up was a disused building in Broome’s Historical Chinatown Precinct. The building is listed on the State’s Heritage Register and considered to hold significant heritage value.
RFF worked closely with the new leaseholders to enable the reactivation of the premises as offices, restaurant and a functions space by developing a unique solution - relying on the use of temporary structures being installed on the premises - in a manner that would not compromise the heritage value of the site.
Pilbara University Centre Fit Out
Client: Pilbara Universities Centre
RFF was engaged by the Pilbara Universities Centre to Project Manage the completion of commercial fit out of the new Pilbara Universities Campus on Level 1 of the Quarter Building in the Karratha Town Centre.
Derby Airport Terminal
Client: Shire of Derby-West Kimberley
This project involved the construction of the new arrivals/ departures’ terminal at the Derby Airport. In addition to an upgrade of the lighting, fire equipment and apron at the airport - to meet minimum standards.
Victoria Hotel Refurbishment
Client: Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
This project included the restoration of a 100+ year old building, which has major heritage significance, in the community of Roebourne. The project was jointly funded by the client, State and Federal Governments.
The elements housing project
Client: IBN
RFF were engaged to manage the concept design through to construction of a mix of social and affordable housing for IBN and housing which generate a commercial return.
IBN Corporation Refurbishment
Client: IBN Corporation
This project involved the management of a major refurbishment of the IBN Corporations Office Building in South Hedland. The project involved internal redesign of the building layout, detailed FFE installation and external façade improvements.